D.I.Y. Wipe Board

DIY Wipe Board

So we’ve been itching to put our hands on something productive this past few days, like a project of some sort! You know just to keep the mind from idling and keep the creative juices flowing.

Then we remember we did a renovation on one of the rooms in the house and have kept  some a lot of the stuff the we thought we could rescue, re-use, recycle, refashion and what other RE-‘s you have in mind. But it has been two years since we’ve last seen these projects-to-be (Yes we have a knack for forgetting, actually more of procrastinating). It’s all tucked in a room outside the house (like a toned down hoarders episode) away from all the clean-ness and organized loveliness where no one can see or remember it. Haha!

We didn’t want to be overwhelmed by all the things  that were waiting inside that little room, so we decided to take on an easy project.

Having said that…that’s when we found this!

Let’s do this…

Here’s what we’ll need

  • an old picture frame (ones with glass not plastic)
  • newspaper or masking tape
  • gift wrapping paper
  • scissors
  • tape
  • spray paint (optional)
  • white wipe board markers!

1. Take out the glass and the picture it came with and line the inner part of the frame with newspaper.

2. Spray paint the frame. (Remember to protect your “painting area” you don’t want to leave paint marks everywhere!)

3. Cover the picture with gift wrapping paper.

4. Once the paint dries, take the “picture + glass” and put it back on the frame (You can clean the glass from finger prints with a lightly damp newspaper before putting it back.).

Voila.. you now have your very own  wipe board!

Happy wiping/ writing! 🙂

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